St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church Houston


Healing Service Wednesdays at Noon

Sunday Services at 8am and 10am

1656 Blalock Rd. Houston, TX

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Sundays at St. Christopher’s
8am           Holy Eucharist Rite I 
Contemplative Service
with Limited Piano Accompaniment 

9:10 am to 9:40 am Adult Education in Latham Hall
9:45 am Nursery and Children’s Fun Room Opens
​(Follow the Arrows)

10:00 am   Holy Eucharist Rite II
Traditional Service with Organ Music
and Choral Accompaniment
11:00 am Fellowship in the Guild Room

​Wednesday Noon Healing Service with Eucharist
in the Chapel

Services are live-streamed at
Just open a web browser,
no need to be a member of Facebook to watch. 

Parishioners and visitors just need to sign in at the Welcome Table.
Nursery is available before and during the 10:00 am service.
​Just follow the arrows!
Communion is available at the Altar Rail or the blue line in front of the Altar Rail. You may have your communion wafer intincted by the Rector, receive the wafer and intinct the wafer yourself, or receive the common cup.





Welcome to
​St. Christopher’s!

St. Christopher’s Mission
St Christopher’s is a compassionate community that follows Jesus Christ by welcoming all in worship, fellowship and service to God.



Children’s Sermon at every Sunday 10:00 am service








About Us
St Christopher’s is a compassionate community that follows Jesus Christ by welcoming all in worship, fellowship and service to God.

1656 Blalock Rd          Houston, TX  77080          (713) 465-6015

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